Products: Ferrari 458 Spider Racing Wheel ; T128 (Xbox One/Xbox Series/PC) ; TMX Force Feedback ; TMX PRO Force Feedback ; T248 (Xbox One/XBox Series/PC) ; TX Racing Wheel Ferrari 458 Italia Edition ; TX Racing Wheel LEATHER Edition ; TX SERVO BASE ; TS-XW RACER ; TS-XW Servo Base
Game consoles: Xbox One™, Xbox Series S™, Xbox Series X™
During a game or race on a console, your racing wheel might temporarily or routinely malfunction.
Example: The racing wheel doesn’t respond, the wheel’s steering seems unstable, Force Feedback is irregular, certain buttons or controls don’t work, and so on.
Here are a few tips for a smoother gaming experience on your Xbox One™, Xbox Series S™ or Xbox Series X™.
1- Check your racing wheel’s performance with several games
Console games can have their own specific settings and options. This might have an impact on your racing wheel.
- If possible, test your racing wheel in several games and try new settings. Then you can check whether your racing wheel behaves the same way each time
- Also, refer to the compatibility list for each Xbox console to check that your racing wheel is compatible with your game. The list of games is available in the Game settings section of the page for your product:
Note regarding the firmware version of Force Feedback racing wheels:
Some games (usually ones that have recently been released) may require the latest firmware for your racing wheel.
However, you can only update the racing wheel’s firmware on a PC running Windows 10 or more recent. Details regarding firmware and firmware updates are available on the page for your product (see the link, above).
2- If playing online, make sure the game is installed on your console.
For Thrustmaster racing wheels to function, the game must be installed on your console.
- That’s the only way your racing wheel will work when playing online, by directly accessing the online gaming mode via the game’s menu
Cloud gaming and streaming:
Online gaming services usually provide direct access to a game hosted on a remote server that’s not your console. If you haven’t installed the game on your console, please note that these types of services only support standard gamepads, not Thrustmaster racing wheels. Your racing wheel will not be detected
3- On Xbox Series S™ and Xbox Series X™: Disable Quick Resume if it’s enabled.
The Quick Resume feature on Xbox Series S™ and Xbox Series X™ consoles only supports standard gamepads. If your racing wheel works fine initially, then starts having performance issues, disable Quick Resume. Follow the steps that we recommend here:
- Remarks on the use of racing wheels and joysticks with the QUICK RESUME mode of the Xbox Series X™ and Xbox Series S™ consoles
Generally, checking the requirements for online play (step 2) or disabling Quick Resume (step 3) will immediately improve your racing wheel’s performance.
However, if your racing wheel’s issues still persist after you’ve followed our advice and tested several games (step 1) or if you have only one compatible game, please read the following article to learn how to do a complete test:
My racing wheel doesn’t work well with a console game, and I don’t have a PC to test it with. How do I test my racing wheel on my Xbox One™, Xbox Series S™ or Xbox Series X™ console?
My racing wheel seems defective when I play or doesn’t work with a game on Xbox One™, Xbox Series S™ or Xbox Series X™.
KB 1746 -EN - 2023-10-29