TPR Rudder
Numéro de produit 2960809

Your rudder’s Firmware version appears on the right in the Control Panel. Firmware: 1.15 is the latest version.
Manuel utilisateur
Package drivers - Hotas Warthog - 2018_TMHW_1 + Firmware
PCNotes de version - Package drivers - Hotas Warthog - 2018_TMHW_1 + Firmware
Package drivers - Hotas Warthog - 2018_TMHW_1 + Firmware
System Requirement :
- Windows 11 / 10/ 8 / 7
This driver package is compatible with these devices:
- HOTAS WARTHOG Flight Stick (Firmware: V12)- HOTAS WARTHOG Dual Throttles (Firmware: V23)- TPR Rudder (Firmware: V1.15)
Changes in this package:
- Added support for TPR Rudder
Installation procedure:
1- Uninstall the previous driver version:
Click Start/Control Panel /Programs/Uninstall a program, then uninstall HOTAS Warthog drivers .
Alternatively, you can simply launch this package: it will uninstall the previous drivers for you.
2- Restart your PC.
3- Download the new HOTAS Warthog/ TPR Rudder drivers:
- Create a folder for all your Thrustmaster downloads: right-click the Windows desktop, then point to New/Folder.- Name the folder Thrustmaster Downloads.- Click the download link.- A File Download dialog box appears. Click Save.- A Save As dialog box appears. Select the Thrustmaster Downloads folder you have created and then click Save.
4- Once the download is complete, double-click the installation (.exe) file to proceed with the installation:
- When the Windows Security warnings appear, simply click Install to proceed.- You will then be asked to connect the HOTAS Warthog. Once the devices are connected to the computer, click Next to complete the installation.
5- Following these instructions proceed to the Firmware update of the HOTAS Warthog components.
T.A.R.G.E.T - Script Editor Basics
PCT.A.R.G.E.T - Script Editor Basics Appendix
PCT.A.R.G.E.T - User manual - FR
PCT.A.R.G.E.T - User manual - EN
PCT.A.R.G.E.T - User manual - ZH
PCT.A.R.G.E.T - Software v3.0.24.618_rev1
PCNotes de version - T.A.R.G.E.T - Software v3.0.24.618_rev1
T.A.R.G.E.T - Software v3.0.24.618_rev1
New Features in T.A.R.G.E.T V3.0.24.618_rev1
- Adds support for AVA Advanced Versatile Aviation base- bugfix: T.16000M: button 18 is no longer pressed by default when running a script
System requirements:
- Windows 11 / 10
Supported Thrustmaster products:
- AVA Advanced Versatile Aviation- HOTAS Warthog- HOTAS Cougar- Viper TQS- Viper Panel- MFD Cougar pack- T.16000M- T.16000M FCS- T.16000M FCS HOTAS- T.16000M FCS Flight Pack- TCA Yoke Boeing Edition- TCA Quadrant Boeing Edition- TCA Sidestick Airbus Edition- TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition- TCA Officer Pack Airbus Edition- TWCS Throttle- TFRP (T.Flight Rudder Pedals)- TPR Rudder- SimTask Farmstick
Change History:
*Win 11 support with new driver compatible with Memory Integrity
*Increase max buttons of Thrustmaster virtual device from 32 to 120
*Add Support for SimTask Farmstick
*Bugfix for Viper TQS / Viper Panel (solve bug preventing piloting LED from virtual buttons)
*Add Support for Viper TQS
*Add Support for Viper Panel
*Add support for TCA Quadrant Boeing edition & TCA Yoke Boeing Edition
*Add Support for TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition
*Add support for TCA sidestick Airbus Edition.
*Add support for TPR.
*Add the ability in GUI to offset stick axis to accomodate cocpkit setups.
* Added support for the TWCS Throttle
* Solving an installation issue on 32bits operating systems
V. Fixed a mapping bug on the HOTAS Warthog’s H4L button
V. New graphic interface.
V. Added support for the Thrustmaster TFRP (T.Flight Rudder Pedals).
V. Updated support for the T.16000M joystick (T.A.R.G.E.T. now differentiates between right- and left-handed models, allowing for configurations combining a right-handed T.16000M + a left-handed T.16000M).
V. Added support for simplified Chinese.
Unplug all T.A.R.G.E.T-compatible controllers before proceeding with installation.
When prompted to reboot after installation, plug each controller again.
Installation procedure :
1- Download the new T.A.R.G.E.T software and manuals:
• Create a folder for all your Thrustmaster downloads: right-click the Windows desktop, then point to New/Folder.
• Name the folder Thrustmaster Downloads.
• Click the download link (or the T.A.R.G.E.T. icon).
• A File Download dialog box appears. Click Save.
• A Save As dialog box appears. Select the Thrustmaster Downloads folder you have created and then click Save.
2- Uninstall the previous T.A.R.G.E.T version:
Please save all your private profiles before installing this new version of T.A.R.G.E.T.
(Windows 7): Click Start/Control Panel /Programs/Uninstall a program, then uninstall Thrustmaster TARGET .
(Windows 8/10) : Right-Click the Start button, then select Control Panel, Programs and features then uninstall Thrustmaster TARGET.
Alternatively, you can simply launch this package, and select Uninstall.
3- Install T.A.R.G.E.T:
Double-click the installation (.exe) file and follow the instructions provided to install the software.
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