Firestorm Dual Analog 3

Numéro de produit 2960629
Firestorm Dual Analog 3

Manuel utilisateur

Paramètres de jeux


Plus de FAQ en anglais

  • faqsDuring installation, Windows asks me for the Windows 98 CD-ROM.
  • faqsHow can I know if the Thrustmapper software is properly installed on my computer?
  • faqsHow can I perform a manual installation of the drivers for my Thrustmaster game controller?
  • faqsHow do I know if my Thrustmaster game controller is installed properly?
  • faqsI get the following error message when I insert my installation CD: 16-bit MS-DOS Subsystem
  • faqsI have a Mac and would like to know whether my USB peripheral is compatible with my computer.
  • faqsMy Thrustmaster USB accessory isn't recognized in the Gaming Options (or Game Controllers) section of the Control Panel, or in games. What should I do?
  • faqsThe documentation for my accessory indicates that no drivers are required, but Windows keep asking me for one during the installation process. How can I proceed to installing my accessory?
  • faqsWhy is my Firestorm Dual Analog 3 Gamepad (or my Firestorm Dual Power 3) recognized by Windows with the name Firestorm Dual Analog 2 (or Firestorm Dual Power 2)?