Top Gun Afterburner Force Feedback
Product number 2960471 2960532 2965011

Driver Package - Vista - Force Feedback - Racing/joystick - V2.7.30
PCRelease notes - Driver Package - Vista - Force Feedback - Racing/joystick - V2.7.30
Drivers Package - 2.ffj.2004
PCRelease notes - Drivers Package - 2.ffj.2004
During installation, Windows asks me for the Windows 98 CD-ROM.
How can I know if the Thrustmapper software is properly installed on my computer?
I get no Joystick Force Feedback in my games.
I get the following error message when I insert my installation CD: 16-bit MS-DOS Subsystem
I have a Mac and would like to know whether my USB peripheral is compatible with my computer.
My stick goes back to center when pushed to extremities
My Thrustmaster USB accessory isn't recognized in the Gaming Options (or Game Controllers) section of the Control Panel, or in games. What should I do?