Ferrari 458 Spider - Xbox One™ Games list / Liste des jeux / Liste der spiele
Xbox One™Ferrari 458 Spider - Xbox Series X|S Games list / Liste des jeux / Liste der spiele
Xbox Series X|S™-
Mapping – PROJECT CARS 3 - Ferrari 458 Spider
Xbox One™
Mapping – PROJECT CARS 3 - Ferrari 458 Spider
Xbox One™
More games settings available in english
Forza 5 - how to use an Xbox One™ chat headset with a racing wheel.
Xbox One™WHEELS - Compatibility with CLOUD GAMING and STREAMING
PC PS4™ PlayStation®5 Xbox One™ Xbox Series X|S™
XBOX ONE: 如何搭配赛车方向盘使用 XBOX ONE 聊天耳麦
在某些 Xbox One™ 游戏中,此功能让玩家可以选择“使用离合器手动换挡”选项(甚至未配备离合器踏 板的情形下)
完全重置 Xbox One 主机上的 USB 端口 (旨在修复自校准失败、无法识别方向盘、缺少某些力反馈效果、与游戏手柄冲突,等等)

“Xbox”, “Xbox One” and “Xbox Series X|S” are a registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Produced under license of Ferrari Brand S.p.A. The name FERRARI, the PRANCING HORSE device, all associated logos and distinctive designs are property of Ferrari S.p.A. The body designs of the Ferrari cars are protected as Ferrari S.p.A. property under design, trademark and trade dress regulations.