TCA Yoke Boeing Edition
Produktnummer 4460209

Drivers - Package 2025_TFHT_2 + Firmware [System Requirement: Windows® 10 / 11]
PCVersionsinformation - Drivers - Package 2025_TFHT_2 + Firmware [System Requirement: Windows® 10 / 11]
Drivers - Package 2025_TFHT_2 + Firmware [System Requirement: Windows® 10 / 11]
This driver package is compatible with Joysticks:
- T.16000M- T.16000M FCS- T.Flight Hotas 4- T.Flight Hotas One *- T.Flight Hotas One - Microsoft Flight Simultor Edition*- TWCS Throttle- TCA Sidestick Airbus Edition*- TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition- TCA Yoke Boeing Edition*- TCA Quadrant Boeing Edition- TCA Sidestick X Airbus Edition- Viper TQS- Viper Panel- Simtask Farmstick (PC)- SimTask FarmStick (Xbox One/Xbox Series/PC)- AVA Advanced Versatile Aviation
* On PC, the USB sliding switch on the base must always be set to the PC position!
System Requirement:
- Windows® 11 & 10
Changes made in new package version 2025_TFHT_2
- Added support for SimTask FarmStick (Xbox One/Xbox Series/PC)- Added Firmware V1.14/ H V1.10 for SimTask FarmStick (PC)
Changes made in previous package version 2025_TFHT_1
- Added support for T.Flight Hotas One - Microsoft Flight Simultor Edition
Changes made in previous package version 2024_TFHT_1
- Added support for AVA Advanced Versatile Aviation
Changes made in previous version 2023_TFHT_2:
- Added support for Simtask Farmstick- Added Firmware v1.26 for Viper TQS- TCA Quadrant Boeing: corrected a Control panel graphical glitch.
Changes made in previous version 2023_TFHT_1:
- Added support for Viper TQS- Added support for Viper Panel
Changes made in previous version 2022_TFHT_1:
- Added support for TCA Sidestick X Airbus Edition
Changes made in previous version 2021_TFHT_2:
- Added support for TCA Yoke Boeing Edition- Added support for TCA Quadrant Boeing Edition- Added Firmware V1.50 for Yoke Boeing Edition
Changes made in new previous version 2021_TFHT_1:
- Added Firmware V1.69 for TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition
Changes made in previous version 2020_TFHT_5:
- Added Firmware V1.61 for TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition
Changes made in previous version 2020_TFHT_4:
- Added Firmware V1.60 for TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition
Changes made in previous version 2020_TFHT_3:
- Improved CPL for TCA Sidestick Airbus Edition (Added Throttle mode selector)- Added Firmware V1.11 for TCA Sidestick Airbus Edition- Added Firmware V1.56 for TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition
Changes made in version 2020_TFHT_2:
- Improved CPL for TCA Sidestick Airbus Edition (ajout du selecteur de mode throttle)- Added Firmware V1.11 for TCA Sidestick Airbus Edition
Changes made in version 2020_TFHT_1:
- Added Support for TCA Sidestick Airbus Edition and TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition- Added Firmware V1.08 for TCA Sidestick Airbus Edition- Added Firmware V1.17 for TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition
Changes made in version 2019_TFHT_1:
- Added new firmware V1.17 for the T.Flight Hotas One joystick (V1.17 fixes an issue of axes freeze found on the joystick after Xbox One startup when the console was configured in Energy-saving / Full Shutdown mode).
Changes made in driver version 2018_TFHT_1:
- Added new firmware V25 for the T.Flight Hotas 4 Joystick (V25 brings a new Tip/Feature on PS4™ to program & combine the T.Flight Rudder Pedals with the T.Flight Hotas 4)
Your joystick’s Firmware version appears in the bottom right in the Control Panel’s tabs:
- T.Flight Hotas 4: V25- T.Flight Hotas One: V1.17- T.Flight Hotas One - MSFS edition: V2.04- TWCS Throttle: V8- TCA Sidestick Airbus Edition: V1.11- TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition: V1.69- TCA Yoke Boeing Edition: V1.50- TCA Quadrant Boeing Edition: V1.28- TCA Sidestick X Airbus Edition: V1.27- Viper TQS: V1.24- Viper Panel: V1.18- Simtask Farmstick: V1.14/ H V1.10- SimTask FarmStick (Xbox One/Xbox Series/PC): V1.34/ H V2.03- AVA Advanced Versatile Aviation: V1.14
- DO NOT CONNECT the device to your PC before being prompted to do so.- DO NOT CLICK in any Windows-specific panes that may appear during the update process.- RESTART THE COMPUTER once the package setup is complete.
Create a folder for all your Thrustmaster downloads: right-click the Windows desktop, then point to New/Folder.
- Name the folder Thrustmaster Downloads.- Click the download link.- A File Download dialog box appears. Click Save.- A Save As dialog box appears. Select the Thrustmaster Downloads folder you have created and then click Save.
**NOTE**: If a driver package for your product is already installed on the computer, running the package installation once will actually uninstall the previous version. It will then be necessary to run it again to proceed to the installation of the new version.
1- Double-click the installation file (2025_TFHT_2.exe) to proceed with the installation.
2- Follow the instructions displayed onscreen.
3- When done, select
- Start/All Apps/Thrustmaster/Control Panel.
The Game controllers dialog box is displayed.
The Throttle appears under the name TWCS Throttle, with the status OK.
The Joystick appears onscreen with the name T.FLIGHT HOTAS 4 and status indication OK
The Joystick appears onscreen with the name T.FLIGHT HOTAS One and status indication OK
4- In the Game Controllers dialog box, select Properties to test and view all functions.
a) TWCS throttle
Note: The Enable Center Deadzone tab allows you to activate or deactivate the mini-stick’s axes center dead zone. Your selection is automatically saved to the TWCS’s internal memory.
b) T.Flight Hotas 4
- “4/6 Axis Mode” (PS indicator light is Red) : On PC axes Rocker (Slider 0), Twist (RZ) & Rudder (Slider 1) are all combined on a single axis (RZ)- “5/8 Axis Mode” (PS indicator light is Green): On PC all axes are separated and independents.
c) T.Flight Hotas One/ T.Flight Hotas One - MSFS edition
- “4/6 Axis Mode” (Xbox buttons indicator light is On): On PC axes Rocker (Slider 0), Twist (RZ) & Rudder (Slider 1) are all combined on a single axis (RZ)- “5/8 Axis Mode” (Xbox buttons indicator light is Off): On PC all axes are separated and independents.
Click on OK to save your settings and exit the Control Panel.
d) TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition
“Enable Virtual Buttons” allows you to activate or deactivate the virtual buttons for the Throttle and Air Brake axes (with Add on installed).
Click on APPLY to save your settings and exit the Control Panel.
You are now ready to play!
T.A.R.G.E.T - Script Editor Basics
PCT.A.R.G.E.T - Script Editor Basics Appendix
PCT.A.R.G.E.T - User manual - EN
PCT.A.R.G.E.T - User manual - FR
PCT.A.R.G.E.T - User manual - ZH
PCT.A.R.G.E.T - Software v3.0.24.618_rev1
PCVersionsinformation - T.A.R.G.E.T - Software v3.0.24.618_rev1
Thrustmaster X-plugin – Software v1.0.0
T.A.R.G.E.T - Software v3.0.24.618_rev1
New Features in T.A.R.G.E.T V3.0.24.618_rev1
- Adds support for AVA Advanced Versatile Aviation base- bugfix: T.16000M: button 18 is no longer pressed by default when running a script
System requirements:
- Windows 11 / 10
Supported Thrustmaster products:
- AVA Advanced Versatile Aviation- HOTAS Warthog- HOTAS Cougar- Viper TQS- Viper Panel- MFD Cougar pack- T.16000M- T.16000M FCS- T.16000M FCS HOTAS- T.16000M FCS Flight Pack- TCA Yoke Boeing Edition- TCA Quadrant Boeing Edition- TCA Sidestick Airbus Edition- TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition- TCA Officer Pack Airbus Edition- TWCS Throttle- TFRP (T.Flight Rudder Pedals)- TPR Rudder- SimTask Farmstick
Change History:
*Win 11 support with new driver compatible with Memory Integrity
*Increase max buttons of Thrustmaster virtual device from 32 to 120
*Add Support for SimTask Farmstick
*Bugfix for Viper TQS / Viper Panel (solve bug preventing piloting LED from virtual buttons)
*Add Support for Viper TQS
*Add Support for Viper Panel
*Add support for TCA Quadrant Boeing edition & TCA Yoke Boeing Edition
*Add Support for TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition
*Add support for TCA sidestick Airbus Edition.
*Add support for TPR.
*Add the ability in GUI to offset stick axis to accomodate cocpkit setups.
* Added support for the TWCS Throttle
* Solving an installation issue on 32bits operating systems
V. Fixed a mapping bug on the HOTAS Warthog’s H4L button
V. New graphic interface.
V. Added support for the Thrustmaster TFRP (T.Flight Rudder Pedals).
V. Updated support for the T.16000M joystick (T.A.R.G.E.T. now differentiates between right- and left-handed models, allowing for configurations combining a right-handed T.16000M + a left-handed T.16000M).
V. Added support for simplified Chinese.
Unplug all T.A.R.G.E.T-compatible controllers before proceeding with installation.
When prompted to reboot after installation, plug each controller again.
Installation procedure :
1- Download the new T.A.R.G.E.T software and manuals:
• Create a folder for all your Thrustmaster downloads: right-click the Windows desktop, then point to New/Folder.
• Name the folder Thrustmaster Downloads.
• Click the download link (or the T.A.R.G.E.T. icon).
• A File Download dialog box appears. Click Save.
• A Save As dialog box appears. Select the Thrustmaster Downloads folder you have created and then click Save.
2- Uninstall the previous T.A.R.G.E.T version:
Please save all your private profiles before installing this new version of T.A.R.G.E.T.
(Windows 7): Click Start/Control Panel /Programs/Uninstall a program, then uninstall Thrustmaster TARGET .
(Windows 8/10) : Right-Click the Start button, then select Control Panel, Programs and features then uninstall Thrustmaster TARGET.
Alternatively, you can simply launch this package, and select Uninstall.
3- Install T.A.R.G.E.T:
Double-click the installation (.exe) file and follow the instructions provided to install the software.
Inställningar för spel
Boeing Yoke, Quadrants & TFRP Xbox Fix for MSFS2024
PCTCA Yoke Boeing Edition - Xbox Series X|S Games list / Liste des jeux / Liste der spiele
Xbox Series X|S™
TCA Yoke Boeing Edition - Xbox Series X|S Games list / Liste des jeux / Liste der spiele
EN - The TCA Yoke Boeing Edition is compatible with the following Xbox Series X|S™ games:
Note: On Xbox Series X|S, your joystick also works with all Xbox One™ compatible games listed in the LIST OF XBOX ONE™ GAMES section.
FR - Le TCA Yoke Boeing Edition est compatible dans les jeux Xbox Series X|S™ suivants :
Remarque : Sur Xbox Series X|S, votre joystick fonctionne également avec tous les jeux Xbox One™ compatibles. Liste disponible dans la catégorie LISTE DES JEUX XBOX ONE™.
DE - Der TCA Yoke Boeing Edition ist mit den folgenden Xbox Series X|S™-Spielen kompatibel:
Hinweis: Auf Xbox Series X|S funktioniert Ihr Joystick auch mit allen Xbox One™-Spielen, die kompatibel sind. Die Liste finden Sie in der Kategorie LISTE DER XBOX ONE™-SPIELE.
- Microsoft Flight Simulator – Xbox Series X|S™ (*)
EN (*) In this game, the TFRP (T.Flight Rudder Pedals) rudder system and TCA Quadrant Boeing Edition, which are sold separately, are also compatible when connected to the yoke connector.
FR (*) Dans ce jeu le palonnier TFRP (T.Flight Rudder Pedals) ainsi que le TCA Quadrant Boeing Edition, vendus séparément, sont également compatible lorsqu’il sont reliés au Yoke.
DE (*) In diesem Spiel ist das TFRP (T.Flight Rudder Pedals)-System, TCA Quadrant Boeing Edition, welches separat erworben werden kann, ebenfalls kompatibel, wenn es am Anschluss des Joysticks angeschlossen ist.
Many other games coming very soon
Nombreux autres titres à venir très prochainement
Viele andere Spiele folgen in Kürze
More games settings available in english
Xbox Series X|S™JOYSTICK - Compatibility with CLOUD GAMING and STREAMING
Compatibility with CLOUD GAMING and STREAMING
Compatibilité avec le CLOUD GAMING et le STREAMING
Kompatibilität mit CLOUD GAMING und STREAMING
Flight controllers are not compatible with games in CLOUD GAMING or STREAMING mode (in particular those in GAME PASS, Xbox Remote Play, PlayStation®Plus, GeForce NOW, Luna, …). In CLOUD GAMING or STREAMING mode, only standard gamepads are compatible.
To be able to play these games with a flight controller, it is therefore imperative that you first download the entire game onto the hard drive/SSD of your console or PC before launching it."
Les joysticks de vol ne sont pas compatibles avec les jeux en mode CLOUD GAMING ou STREAMING (notamment ceux du GAME PASS, Xbox Remote Play, PlayStation®Plus, GeForce NOW, Luna, …). En mode CLOUD GAMING ou STREAMING, seules les manettes de jeu standard sont compatibles.
Pour pouvoir jouer avec un joystick de vol à ces jeux, il est donc impératif de télécharger au préalable entièrement le jeu sur le disque dur/SSD de sa console ou de son PC avant de le lancer."
Flug-Controller sind nicht mit Spielen im CLOUD GAMING- oder STREAMING-Modus kompatibel (insbesondere nicht mit GAME PASS, Xbox Remote Play, PlayStation®Plus, GeForce NOW, Luna, …). Im CLOUD GAMING- oder STREAMING-Modus sind nur Standard-Gamepads kompatibel.
Um diese Spiele mit einem Flug-Controller spielen zu können, ist es daher zwingend erforderlich, dass Sie das gesamte Spiel vor dem Start auf die Festplatte/SSD Ihrer Konsole oder Ihres PCs herunterladen."
“Xbox”, “Xbox One” and “Xbox Series X|S” are a registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Produced under license from Boeing. Boeing, the associated distinctive Boeing logos, product markings and trade dess are trademarks of The Boeing Company.